Revised Behaviour for Learning Policy
1 May 2018
Dear Parents/Carers
As a school community we recognise that there is a need to improve our standards across the school and by working together we can achieve this.
Each member of our school community is entitled to teach and learn in an environment that is stimulating and inspiring; fostering a climate of aspiration and challenge. In order to improve standards within our school we have amended the Behaviour for Learning Policy which sets out our practices and expectations for rewards and behaviour.
As you are aware from previous correspondence this will be the policy’s second amendment this academic year. I hope you will also recognise that our school community is in a period of transition and for us as a school to have robust and clear systems, updates to policies are necessary.
Discussion with the staff and students has taken the form of assemblies, explaining the new policy and I am confident that each member of our community understands the expectations we have. There are sanctions for behaviours that hinder teaching and learning but the students are clear that the amended policy’s focus is the rewards of a good education and the added incentive of school trips/activities at the end of the academic year. A copy of the Behaviour for Learning Policy is now accessible on the school website. Please note changes to sanctions and detentions.
The majority of our students arrive on time, in full school uniform, ready and prepared to learn. They are polite, respectful and work positively with their peers and adults. We are asking for your support to ensure that all students comply with our expectations and that you will work with us if we need to apply sanctions for disruption to learning.
If you have any concerns or queries, please contact the school for an appointment.
Thank you in advance of your support.
Mrs L Oliver
Assistant Headteacher