PE Events Blog (up to Summer 2023)



Department Aims


At Burscough Priory we have a broad programme of study in PE. Through team and individual games, Athletic, Outdoor and Adventurous, Dance and Gymnastic activities, students are taught to develop their physical technique and tactical awareness, encouraging them to develop analytical skills to improve their own and others’ performances and develop physical literacy.

Course Content Overview

Pupils are taught a variety of activities throughout year 7, 8 and 9, offering students two hours a week.

The activities we offer are; Netball, Football, Cross country, Orienteering, Flag football, Dance, Handball, Rugby, Fitness, Basketball, Gymnastics, Athletics, Rounders, Softball, Tennis, Cricket and Table tennis.

At Key Stage 4 all students have a minimum of 1 hour of Physical Education per week and are taught in mixed ability classes, they can opt for an activity pathway which allows them more flexibility and a curriculum that is more suitable to them. The students decide upon a challenge and competition team sport-based pathway, competition and creative pathway and a social, health and well-being pathway. Our aim in this Key Stage is to promote life-long participation in physical activity and give them the skills to facilitate their own learning and participation.

We also offer GCSE PE as an option for Key Stage 4 students where they will have an extra 3 hours per week of PE lessons. For GCSE Students are assessed in 3 sports (one individual, one team, and one either team or individual). There are also 2 theory units examined in May of year 11. We use OCR course J587. Click here to go to the OCR website.

PE Curriculum timetable

How we Stretch and Challenge our students

Lessons are taught in mixed gender and ability groups that are challenging and differentiated to ensure every pupil achieves success and progress to ensure they strive above and beyond their minimum acceptable level of progress.


Pupils are assessed every term across a range of sports. Assessment is a holistic assessment that focuses on 3 grades for Healthy body (practical based), Healthy Mind (understanding of the activities covered) and Healthy relationships (Social interaction, i.e. resilience, team work, leadership etc).


Homework is set after most GCSE theory lessons. Independent study is required after every GCSE theory lesson in order for students to achieve the best they can and to help consolidate learning in lessons. This can be achieved by accessing the lessons taught on google classroom and class charts or through various websites.

All students are also encouraged to extend their learning outside of lesson time by attending extra-curricular clubs that run during and after school.

How we support our students

Every child matters in the PE department, with a wide range of sports and activities offered and lessons delivered to allow every child to achieve success. Extra-curricular opportunities and extra revision sessions are all offered after school and at lunch times to help and engage pupils to ensure they achieve their targets in the subject.

How we deliver Literacy and Numeracy in PE

Literacy is an important aspect in lessons, each lesson has a heathy mind focus word or theme, students learn to develop communication skills and increasing confidence through leadership opportunities. Pupils are encouraged to give feedback, use subject specific words and deliver warm ups and stretches to their peers.

Numeracy is regularly used within PE to record data, such as heart rate monitoring, timing, measuring, scoring and counting. Pupils learn to analyse and evaluate data and are encouraged to deliver their own competitions in lessons and in extra-curricular clubs.

Assessment & Exams

At Key stage 3 all students within PE are assessed termly in the three H’s, healthy mind, healthy body and healthy relationships with grades A-D (A being the highest assessment score). Students’ are then given targets to encourage progression and improvement, with students expected to progress up the scale as they develop their practical skills and knowledge throughout the key stages.

Exams will take place at Key Stage 4 for all students taking part in the GCSE PE option in both year 10 and 11.


The Physical Education GCSE course is a popular option. The OCR Physical Education Syllabus (9-1 2016 Specification) is structured to ensure the gap between GCSE and A-Level is reduced. Promoting an in depth knowledge of how lifestyle choices, human anatomy and physiology, biomechanics, sports psychology affect sports performance and active and healthy lifestyles, diet and nutrition. As an overview the course is now split into;

  1. 2 theoretical examinations - (60% combined)
  2. Coursework - (10%)
  3. Practical Performance (30%)


Physical Education Staff 

Miss Edwards Head of PE  
Mr Mayne Teacher of Physical Education & Assistant Headteacher - Pastoral  
Mr Rimmer Teacher of PE  
Mrs Ashurst   Teacher of PE  

Extra-curricular activities

Pupils have a wide variety of sports on offer through extra-curricular opportunities. This is inclusive and open to all pupils through after school and lunch time clubs so all pupils can attend. The school also competes in the West Lancashire schools games programme, regularly competing in leagues, cups and festivals in a wide variety of sports.

How parents can support their children in PE

Ask questions about what your child has learnt in Physical Education. Use websites and the PE website to access revision material. Talk to them about the importance of practice and hard-work to achieve success. Make sure they have the correct PE kit for every lesson. Encourage them to attend as many different extra-curricular clubs as possible; it will help improve their all-round sporting ability.

If your child has a passion for an activity take them to a club outside school to receive specialised coaching and meet new people. Advice can be given by the Physical Education department on suitable local clubs in the area. Make sure your child is aware of the importance of exercise and diet for maintaining health. Finally go and play some sport with your child, its great fun!

Healthy Mind Revision Sheets



BBC Bitesize KS3 PE

BBC Bitesize GCSE PE


Teach PE

BBC Sport