Transition Introduction

We know that moving from primary to secondary school is a very exciting but sometimes daunting experience for many children and we appreciate that this is a very important time for students and their families. We hope we have ensured the initial transition process from Year 6 to Year 7 was as stress free and smooth as possible. Our transition work for 2024 is now complete. We have welcomed all of our year 6 students for our 2-day transition process, having visited them in their primary schools first. All of our required paperwork should now be with our transition team and we will be finalising timetables ready for September.

Our summer school will run on Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th August and all parents who have signed up for their child to attend will have received an information email recently. We know this additional experience will be enjoyable and great preparation for September.

If any parents of our incoming students have any concerns or queries, please contact us at the school by emailing

Transition Letters

Year 6 Transition Parent Pack 1

Year 6 Transition Parent Pack 2