Image of Year 7 Sports Hall Athletics November 2018

On Wednesday 21st November, it was the turn of our brilliant Year 7 students to compete in the sports hall athletics at St Bede's Catholic High School, Ormskirk for a potential place to represent West Lancashire in the County Championships. Unfortunately, we did fall short of that but fantastic individual and team performances from both the boys and girls team meant we finished in the top 4 in the district. Our girls fought hard throughout and a well-deserved 4th place overall was their reward for giving 110% and showing great determination and resilience. Our boys again did extremely well against some tough competition and finished 3rd overall. A massive thank you to all those who took part last night it was a fantastic evening and a great atmosphere!

Once again, a huge thank you to our Year 10 Sports Leaders, Lucy and Mary, for helping run the events at the competition!!

Amazing effort and commitment from all, Burscough Priory Academy marching on!

Mr Rimmer

Posted by David Smith on 23 November 2018

Category: PE Events