Former Students
Former Students

Kate Sutcliffe
Kate Sutcliffe 8R travelled to Florida in June 2018 to compete in a gymnastics competition with her club Flic Flac. Kate came 1st in her age group for Beam and came 1st in the all around competition for her age and level. Kate competed in Florida over several days against gymnasts from USA, Canada, South Africa and the UK. Kate gained a gold medal on Beam and a gold medal in the all around competition, involving the four disciplines of beam, uneven bars, floor and vault.

Emily Sutton
Emily Sutton undertook a Tetrathlon competition in Casterton and Kendal in May 2016, representing her branch of the Pony Club, West Lancs Pony Club. This included a Swim, 1000m Cross Country Run, Pistol Shoot and a Cross Country Horse Trial. On the first day Emily completed the Run, Shoot and Swim and was placed First in the Swim. After all events on the first day Emily was placed Third in the competition. There were competitors from the North West as well as Durham and the North East and Lincolnshire. The Cross Country Horse Trial was something that Emily hadn’t attempted before, the course was fairly long and hilly and would be an achievement in itself just to complete. Emily completed the course and at the end of the competition was placed Second individually and her Team made up of two other pony club members from other branches were placed First.

Olivia Karalius
(2012 – 2017)
Former student Olivia Karalius, known as Livvy K, will unveil her album “The Journey Begins” in January 2018. Livvy spent five months creating the album in Denver, Colorado, saying “I have been working very hard over the last six months on material for my EP and I am now ready to launch. I can’t wait to perform as I have thrown my heart and soul into this project.” As well as singing, Livvy also was the winner of Top Model UK in 2017.

Katherine Jackson
(2010 – 2015)
Katherine attended Burscough Priory from 2010-15 then Winstanley College from 2015-17 and was one of a number of students to find out in May 2017 that months of preparation, including work experience, interview practice and entrance exams has paid off after securing a record offer for university in medicine. All of the successful applicants had taken part in the college’s preparatory MDV (Medics, Dentists and Vets) programme. Students were given the chance to take part in work placements, personal statement writing workshops, UKCAT and BMAT tests, and talks from external speakers on topics such as NHS structure, funding and organisation.

Georgia Cann
My Name is Georgia Cann and I am a former student of Burscough Priory Science College. I was the Deputy Head Girl and Chair of the School Council. In my GCSEs, I got 10 A*s and 2 As and at A level I got A*AA in Maths, Further Maths and Economics. I loved my time at Priory, it was full of opportunities for me to push myself knowing that I always have support from any teacher regardless of which opportunities I pursued. The extra curricular programme was brilliant to ensure I relieved my stress and tension and made lots of brilliant friends along the way. The guidance from my tutor, Mr Holden, my head of year, Mr Angove and all my subject teacher especially during exam periods was outstanding and I will never forget the help I received at Priory.