22 August 2024

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Students and staff at Burscough Priory Academy are celebrating a series of top GCSE grades.

The Year 11 students who sat the exams in May and June are getting their results today, helping set their course for the future. The exams represent the culmination of their secondary school education, and the grades students secure determine what they will go on and do next – further study, an apprenticeship or entry level role in the workplace.

Despite the challenges of the past few years, the students of Burscough Priory Academy have recorded more fantastic results, including:

  • Eva Styles 4 Grade 9’s, 3 Grade 8’s, 2 Grade 7’s. Eva is Head Student at Burscough Priory Academy, studied Further Mathematics and visited Uganda with her local church during Year 11, having fundraised the trip.
  • Lewis Forshaw: 4 Grade 9’s, 1 Grade 8, 3 Grade 7’s, 1 Grade 6
  • Kathryn Dilworth: 1 Grade 9, 3 Grade 8’s, 4 Grade 7’s, 1 Grade 6, all while representing Great Britain as a paired sailor.
  • British superbike athlete Jacob Stephenson broke his collar bone the weekend before examinations began! Despite the setback, through determination and support from the school Jacob was able to sit all his exams and passed every exam with the grades he needed.
  • Paige Davies3 Grade 9’s, 3 Grade 8’s and 2 Grade 7’s, with Grade 9 in English Language, Literature and History.

We are delighted with the strong cross subject performance for all of our students.  The students performed particularly well in Mathematics, with nearly one in three grades at 7 or higher, while students saw wider success across the full subject suites, and most notably the Sciences, Spanish, DT, Geography, History, Food & Nutrition and Art.

The Burscough Priory students haven’t just succeeded academically, but have all demonstrated incredible personal growth and development over their time at the school. Many students have actively participated in extra-curricular activities, both in and outside of school, demonstrating leadership, creativity and a commitment to the local community. These experiences have enriched their educational journey and prepared them for the next steps in their academic and professional careers.

Lucy MacLaren, Headteacher at Burscough Priory Academy, said:

“We are incredibly proud of our students’ accomplishments this year. Their results are a testament to their perseverance and the outstanding support provided by our dedicated staff. Despite the challenges faced over the past few years, especially in Year 7 and 8, our students have demonstrated unwavering resilience, and have truly excelled. There are many examples of students with remarkable achievements who have overcome their personal challenges and adversities.  These results will open many doors for their future endeavours, and we wish them every success. 

“We must also acknowledge the relationship that we have with our parents and community – their support that they have given their child, the students and us at school, underpins these results.  Couple this with the expertise, commitment, and hard work of the staff in school, and we have a real recipe for success. I am delighted that once again we have a group of students and staff who have worked and experienced success together, as a real-life demonstration of our motto ‘E Pluribus Unum, Out of Many, One.’”

David Clayton, Chief Executive of Endeavour Learning Trust, said:

“My congratulations to everyone at Burscough Priory Academy for everything they have achieved this year. These great results are a direct result of so much hard work from students and from staff and I hope they can take today to celebrate their efforts paying off. I have every confidence that these group of young people have very bright futures ahead of them.”